Volunteer with Prime Digital Academy | Various Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunity
Job Description
Looking for ways for your company and teams to get involved with Prime Digital Academy? We are always looking to engage the community and have a wide variety of ways you can support new and upcoming software development and user experience design talent. Feel free to share these opportunities with anyone in your organization that might want to get involved.
  • Mentorship
    • ​Mentoring is a fun way to help a small group of students orient themselves to the industry. As a mentor, you’ll join a handful of students and other mentors committing to bi-weekly meetings during the students’ studies at Prime. All in, the commitment is typically 10-12 hours in a 12-14 week time period. Meetings are held virtually.
  • Guest Speakers
    • The tech industry is full of smart, talented people. Each week we welcome volunteers from the local community to share their knowledge and passion through talks, panel discussions, and Q&As. Tell us the things you're passionate about and we'll follow up. Talks are held every other Wednesday 11am-12pm.
  • Mock Interviews
    • Prime is all about preparing our students for the job search. Mock interviews with professionals are one part of that process. Interviews sessions are held for each cohort. Have fun asking students your go-to interview questions or simply have them share their work and talk about why they got into their field of study.
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